We empower our members to take control of their wellness!  As part of this, our members rely on us to give proper instruction on the modalities that we offer!  

For your first visit, upon arrival, please plan to complete the initial paperwork and take a brief tour of our facility!  This tour will give you a full overview of the modalities that we offer!

If you are new to using these services, please ask our staff for maximum limits on each service before use!



​​Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your Session​​

  1. Your body will be working extra hard during your visit, so it's very important to come hydrated!  ​

  2. Remove makeup, sweat, dirt, etc from your body​

    • Several of our modalities utilize infrared light and/or chromotherapy.  Makeup, sweat, and dirt can prevent you from receiving the full benefits of these modalities.

    • The cleaner you are, the cleaner our facility is!  We work hard to provide you with a great experience and maintain a clean environment. ​

  3. Create a plan based on what you want to accomplish (we can help)

    • Just like planning your routine at a gym, have a plan with which modalities you want to use during your visit.  ​

    • Whether you are trying to kick chronic pain, deal with an acute injury, help with anti-aging, or destress your mind, our modalities can be combined to get you maximum benefit!

  4. Pre-register for modalities

    • Use our state-of-the-art mobile app to book your modalities to ensure availability!  ​

    • Remember, everything we offer is on a first come first serve basis!

  5. Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes.  

    • During your session, you will be using different modalities.  Some make you sweat, some require a bathing suit, and some just need you to be comfortable!  ​

  6. Bring water bottle, swimsuit, towel, and a great attitude

    • We love our community of members and know you will, too!  Please expect to make friendships during your stay.​

  7. Arrive 5 minutes prior to your first scheduled session

    • We'll need to get you checked-in and directed to your first modality.  Our schedules are packed-tight, so if you are running late, we ask that you notify us as quickly as possible.​



Modern Wellness & Drip is a wellness experience where the results are cumulative.  This means the more you come in, the better you will feel.  Just like any diet or exercise routine, results will vary, but expect it to take a few sessions before you begin to feel the benefits!



Your mind and muscles just went through a comprehensive wellness experience, geared towards recovery!  Make sure you maintain your hydration levels, eat a healthy meal, and relax!  The clearer you keep your mind, the better results you will have!